Zambian Traders Making Affordable Footwear from Used Vehicle Tires

XinhuaNet, October 26, 2022

LUSAKA, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- In an effort to create employment opportunities, a growing number of people in Zambia are taking up businesses that involve recycling old or used things.

Frank Mwaba, a resident of Kapiri Mposhi district, which is located in central Zambia, is among those engaged in recycling ventures to earn a living.

For the past four years, Mwaba, 34, has been making sandals from used vehicle tires, which he sells to residents of Kapiri Mposhi and surrounding areas.

"I earn an average of 2,400 Zambian Kwacha every month (about 150.50 U.S. dollars) from this business," explained Mwaba, while holding a pair of unisex sandals he had just made from an old tire.

He added that the sandals cost 40 Zambian Kwacha a pair (about 2.5 U.S. dollars), and that he makes a minimum of two pairs per day.

"I am currently working on investing in more in advanced tools so as to increase production and expand my customer base," he said, adding that the sandals are made from a specific brand of tires, which he buys from local dealers, specialized in selling used vehicle tires.

"The cost of the tires depends on the size. I spend around 80 Zambian Kwacha on one used tire from which I make three to five pairs of sandals," he said.

He also pointed out that making sandals from old vehicle tires is his mainstay, one that has enabled him to provide for his family's needs. He attributed his success to his mentor under whom he once served as an apprentice for over a year.

And one of Mwaba's customers Michael Chanda, 44, also a resident of Kapiri Mposhi district, said sandals made from used tires are not only affordable but also very durable.

"One can wear them for as long as five years. These sandals are practical footwear. They are particularly good for long distance walks and a great investment for those with very limited financial resources," Chanda said.

He further noted that businesses involved in making things from recycled materials not only support employment creation measures but also promote responsible use of natural resources.

Sandals made from used tires were once common among hawkers and wheelbarrow pushers and other population groups involved manual labor.

Unlike other kinds of footwear that easily gets damaged once exposed to water or sunlight for longer periods, sandals made from used tires only wear out after many years of use.

"It is for this reason that today, people from different sections of society are investing in this type of footwear," said Scout Phiri, a shoe repairer based in Petauke, a district located in Eastern Province of Zambia.

Phiri, 28, also explained that the growing demand for sandals made from used tires compelled him to start making them.

"Last year, I had a lot of customers asking me if I could make sandals from old tires because they were tired of having their shoes mended every now and then. That is when I decided to incorporate the making of sandals from tires into my shoe mending business," he recounted.

According to Phiri, the demand for durable and affordable footwear will continue to rise thereby presenting opportunities for small-scale traders like him.


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