Yango: The Taxi Company Hailing Growth in Zambia

Yango, the ride-hailing service initially launched in Israel, has grown exponentially since its founding in December 2018. Operating in 600 cities across 17 countries, Yango launched in Zambia in early 2022.

Zambia is the fifth country in Africa, and the first in southern Africa, that Yango has launched in, with the company already present in Côte D’Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon and Senegal. Upon its launch, General Manager for Yango in Africa Adeniyi Adebayo noted Zambia’s status as a “growing, actively developing economy”. With a 4% annual growth rate, and over half the country’s population under the age of 18, there is the potential for Yango’s market, and profits, to grow enormously in Zambia in the years to come.

In addition to offering a taxi service, Yango offers parcel delivery, rapid grocery delivery, and car-sharing options. What sets them aside from global competitors such as Uber is their collaborative approach, which includes partnering with local taxi companies.

By using AI-based navigation and request services, journey times are reduced for passengers; drivers waste less time between rides; and overall costs fall. Such technology can help the growth of small and medium -sized business throughout the city. Less time is wasted on a worker’s commute; taxi companies can schedule more business per day; and local food and parcel services see their products delivered more efficiently. The number of internet users in Zambia grew by 5.4% across 2021, and the government is attempting to accelerate this further through the National Digital Transformation Strategy. As online demand increases in Zambia, such efficiency driving technology may give Yango a crucial advantage over regional competitors.

Speaking to Business Insider, Adebayo explained how their service aims to co-operate with their partner firms holistically: “to replace their old-fashioned ways of doing business, which sometimes is at best Excel spreadsheets, we offer digital accounting and fleet management technology to improve the transparency and efficiency of operations.” This is also why the company offers more than 50 driver support specialists per city.

 Government officials have welcomed the competition and innovation that Yango have brought to the market, with Minister of Transport Frank Tayali stating, “we see that its presence on the market benefits the creation of new job opportunities with local transport operators which partner with Yango.” Echoing the sentiments of Adebayo, the Minister spoke of the opportunities Yango provides to small and medium-sized businesses to grow and modernise.

The Minster concluded by assuring businesses that “the new regulation will not limit these opportunities.” Indeed, through the newly founded Public-Private Development Forum, the government is actively seeking to foster public-private cooperation in order to overcome critical sector specific constraints. Further, the administration is actively seeking to encourage foreign investment by hosting business summits and cutting taxes in an effort to stimulate the Zambian economy and reach middle-income status by 2030. 

Yango has experienced enormous growth in Africa since its introduction to Côte D’Ivoire in 2018. The company has increased the number of riders in Africa seven times annually. The African market now represents 60% of the company’s Gross Merchandise Value (GMV). GMV is a measure of the total value of sales. Such a large share is indicative of the sheer demand for affordable, digitised ride-hailing technologies on the continent.

The company have introduced a number of additional features since they first launched in order to make the service more convenient and attractive to its customers. For example, ride-sharing has been introduced to allow for reduced prices with minimal additional time added to journeys. Passengers are also able to utilise safety features to let select contacts know they’re getting home safe or track their progress along a journey. In Cameroon, Yango have introduced driver safety figures including using AI algorithms to warn drivers about particularly dangerous areas of road, manoeuvres, and possible incidents on their journey.

Yango’s approach includes a focus on Corporate Social Responsibility. For example, during the height of the COVID pandemic, Yango provided free rides for doctors to visit patients and for people traveling to vaccination centers. The company has also recently spoken about its plans to support education with a focus on IT in the region.

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