“We Are Aggressively Marketing Zambia,” ZTA Says

ZNBC, July 22, 2022

Paul Shalala-The Zambia Tourism Agency -ZTA says it is working with both the public and private sectors to aggressively market Zambia and increase tourism arrivals.

ZTA Acting Chief Executive Officer CHAVUNGA LUNGU says his organisation and the Ministry of Tourism are engaging the private sector to ensure that they market Zambia in a unified way.

Mr LUNGU says the engagements are ongoing and the need to woo more tourists is paramount because of the benefits that tourism brings to the country.

Meanwhile, Mr LUNGU says the listing of the Lower Zambezi National Park as one of the best 100 places to visit worldwide is an exciting achievement.

Mr LUNGU says Time Magazine is a credible publication whose profiling is likely to woo more American tourists to Zambia.

The Acting ZTA Chief Executive Officer said this when he featured live on the TV1 13:00hrs news.

Image: Arpit Rastogi via Unsplash


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